
Creative Confidence

Creative confidence, something I did not consider to have for a very long time. I think it was during my university years that I lost 'it'. With it I mean creativity and using it with confidence. As a young girl I loved painting, drawing, creating dances and plays with friends. For a period of time I wanted to become a fashion designer and had a sketch book with sketches full of dresses and outfits and I even created my own princess dress from old curtains. I was so proud of that dress! In high school I graduated in art history and art, my parents still have lots of paintings of mine hanging on the walls in our family house. Not sure if that is because the paintings are actually nice or it is just because of unconditional parent love.

But then in 2010 I started my bachelors degree at University, my student life began and somehow I forgot about 'it'. Studying evolved around reading articles, taking exams, writing essays, and of course lots of partying too. It did not occur to me to pick up a paintbrush, to draw just for fun and I certainly would not create any princess dresses to play with. Did I even use 'it' during my studies? Was I creative in my work?

To be honest the only class where I got really challenged again to be creative was during my second masters in the class Agile Project Management. During this class our professor challenged us again to go a little crazy, to build something with lego, to use random coloured papers and pens, and to just create something. He tried to teach us hands-on the agile way of working, by getting us to build our prototypes in class. It was a super fun class. However, somehow again I forgot about 'it' and how fun it was to work creatively. I remember during my application process at ABN AMRO I even stated I was not creative, in hindsight I have no idea why I did that.

When I did an introduction course to webdesign during lockdown, before starting Le Wagon, I immediately noticed how much I loved thinking about colours, fonts, the design and the whole process of UX. It was like something sparked again. I realised I am actually creative, but that there is so much more about creativity than just drawing and painting when you are young and I had just completely forgot about it over the years. But fast forward 8 months and I am a UX designer and just completed a redesign of our companies website.

Now one thing we can argue is that our university system doesn't inspire creativity, or perhaps I was too busy with other things during my student time. However, whilst I was reading Creative Confidence by David & Tom Kelly, I recognised my own story in what they describe in the book. Because I was not painting or drawing anymore I said I was not creative during my application at ABN AMRO. But I was wrong, I had been creative and I still am, so I never really lost 'it'. Sure, now I have a job where I work with colours and designs, and you could argue that I found it because of that. However, now I realise being creative can be in anything, it can be in thinking about business ideas, improving a user journey, but also in buying your next Christmas gift for a loved one. However it is something else to be confident about your creativity, to trust your ability in being creative. You should not be afraid of that, you should embrace it.

I am happy to have found my creative confidence again and I am looking forward to learn to further grow it.